Leigh Young
Director, Elliot Leigh

Leigh Young has decades of experience in property development and management, both professionally and personally, having started his own property portfolio from a young age. Being acutely aware of the many issues surrounding social housing and the major shortages around suitable living accommodation (still very relevant today), in 2003 he co-founded Elliot Leigh Property Management Ltd. Through the introduction of their Guaranteed Rent scheme, Elliot Leigh have been able to assist Local Authorities with the procurement and supply of over 1,500 quality homes. With over 20 years of business, Elliot Leigh are now one of the largest suppliers of social housing in London and Essex, having paid out over £400m in Guaranteed Rent payments to landlords. From 1 bed flats to multi-storey HMOs, in exchange of these properties, landlords benefit from complete property management, with the support of Elliot Leigh's in-house team of inspectors, maintenance engineers, and property managers.

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